The 2023 Global natural disaster assessment report provides a detailed analysis of global disaster trends. The frequency of global natural disasters decreased by 3% compared to previous years, and the affected population was 53% lower. However, the death toll rose sharply by 73%, and direct economic losses increased by 32%, indicating that while fewer people were affected overall, the severity of individual disasters has worsened, leading to higher fatalities and economic damage.

It includes one general report and three special reports. The general report highlights that Asia experienced the highest disaster-related losses in 2023, driven by floods and seismic events, with these losses being double compared to previous decades. The three special reports: one focusing on China, which faced frequent disasters in 2023, including floods and earthquakes; another examining the global high temperatures from 2014 to 2023, which saw a 35% increase in heatwave frequency compared to historical data; and the final report assessing the 2023 Türkiye earthquake, which resulted in 133% more damage compared to previous seismic events. To address these rising risks, the report recommends strengthening global collaboration, improving early warning systems, and investing in resilient infrastructure, particularly in high-risk regions like Asia. It also emphasizes the importance of heat mitigation strategies, public education, and adaptive urban planning to address the growing threat of extreme heat. For the Türkiye earthquake, the key recommendations include enforcing building codes, enhancing public education, and promoting cross-border cooperation to reduce future damages and improve disaster response.